How Advertising Tech Is Changing | Hire Intelligence

How Advertising is Changing with the Use of Technology

how advertising tech Is Changing With The Use Of TechnologyTremendous advancements in technology in recent years have changed the face of every industry and sector. The world of advertising is no different. Until the mid-to-late 1990s, businesses bought advertising space in traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio. Certainly, this type of offline advertising still has its place. However, increased connectivity has also led to incredible innovations in the latest advertising tech.

In this article, we take a look at how advertising tech is changing. If you fail to respond to the latest advertising tech, you risk falling behind.

1. Location-specific and delivered in real-time

One of the most recent trends we see in how advertising is changing has been the switch to delivering location-specific marketing messages to consumers while they are on the move. According to research, 31 percent of 25-34-year-olds would make a spontaneous or unplanned purchase if promotions were targeted by location. Businesses use this preference for location-specific ads to interrupt consumers’ journeys with special offers that tempt them to make purchases.

More than two-thirds of the world’s population is now mobile-connected. Therefore, businesses are looking at new ways to target customers who are in their location with advertising delivered in real-time. Mobile apps that send consumers vouchers and video walls and interactive touch screens that give them access to discount codes as they’re passing their stores are proving to be particularly effective.

2. Programmatic automation

With such a huge wealth of data at their fingertips, advertisers can now use algorithms to build detailed profiles of their typical customers. Further, they can use automated advertising platforms to build and manage countless ad campaigns that target those customers in a very specific way. They can detect what adverts are performing well. They can even bid on the particular terms that result in the highest proportion of impressions and conversions. The result is less of the “spray and pray” methodology of traditional advertising in favour of much more efficiently targeted campaigns.

The use of automation in digital marketing is now widespread. The Interactive Advertising Bureau estimates around 20 percent of digital advertising business is now done by one machine interacting with another. No human intervention is required.

3. Virtual reality

virtual reality glasses touching empty space

Thus far, we’ve discussed how advertising is changing, but virtual reality (VR) is yet to impact the sector fully. Virtual reality hardware has been available for some time, but only recently has it become affordable for businesses and consumers. This means many advertisers are only just starting to explore what VR can do.   

The truth is that virtual reality gives brands the opportunity to tell their story in a more compelling and immersive way than ever before. According to Touchstone Research, 79 percent of consumers actively seek more VR experiences and 81 percent tell their friends about it. With 72 percent of millennials prioritising “experience” over “stuff”, virtual reality promises to be more memorable and longer-lasting than traditional advertising. Importantly in this social media age, it’s also more “shareable”, which makes it a powerful weapon in the advertisers’ arsenal.

Rent the latest advertising tech for less

Advertising might be changing. However, you don’t have to fall behind. Hire Intelligence has workstations and high-powered Apple products for video editing, rendering and animation. You can access these technologies on cost-effective short-term and long-term rental deals. Get in touch to discuss your requirements with our team or request a quick quote today.

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